I am not trying to upset the lovely florists here on the Island, they make amazing displays and I love their work, the flower arrangements look spectacular and fresh flowers on cakes can look divine, but I have yet to meet the florist who really has the knowledge regarding the flowers being part of an edible cake. (Sorry don’t mean to offend the lovely local florists) This is specialist work. Why would they want to get involved.
Therefore most florist’s will leave the flowers for us cake-maker’s to make ‘safe’ arrange and then put on the cake. In the majority of cases they are non poisonous but they still need to have the stems wrapped and then put inside plastic tubes before being put on the cake. It becomes the cake makers responsibility.
Unfortunately I have seen on numerous occasions fresh flowers being just ‘pushed’ into the edible cake…….certainly this is not hygienic or food safe and when you consider that it is often over 50 or 100 guests who may be eating this cake…. it is quite worrying.
The huge advantages of sugar flowers is that they are completely edible & food safe. They also can be created to the exact colors, sizes & styles needed for a cake. For example if you want tree peonies for your New Years Eve wedding… you would not find them available as they are out of season, but of course they can be achieved in sugar even down to the delicate shade you would like.
Sugar flowers can be more expensive, although on Ibiza trying to buy the perfect flowers just for your cake will be also be expensive, so it is always best to ask your cake-maker what the flowers will cost if handmade. Most of us give a good price just because it is the part we love, there is nothing better than creating a wedding cake using the skills we have built up over the years. Handmade sugar flowers and decorations give such a wow factor for all the guests too.
Sugar flowers have the advantage of being a ‘keep sake’ as they can be put inside a glass box and kept beautiful for years to come.
Eileen xxx